The Student Social Work Hub


Thank you for your interest in The Student Social Work Hub.

At present we are a small team, born out of friendship and curiosity, but in time we seek to grow and invite more students to join us. This is to ensure we can confidently reflect the diversity and equality of the profession.

We began as a group of seven students from across the UK, who met online via Twitter. Since forming we have changed to reflect people qualifying and moving on, however some of us remain core members of the hub. We often shared interests in similar areas of research, or asked the same questions – until one day we asked why there wasn’t a place where we could be connected? An online community for social work students who all share hopes, fears and interests.

A suggestion to form this space quickly turned into a whole host of ideas which turned into the creation of The Student Social Work Hub. It all happened very quickly but has highlighted the appetite of students across the UK who are seeking to use the platform to find information and share interests.

We are based across the UK, and have each taken different routes into social work, making the Hub exciting and fresh. We want to encourage discussions regarding different areas of practice from a student perspective and give students a safe environment to share thoughts and feelings.

We aim to share blogs, articles, webinars, platforms and academic writing in ways that students are interested in. These will be written and sourced by both the team and students from across the UK.

We have received numerous requests from students asking to send work in and it is our goal to give every student a voice via the Hub, whilst upholding our professional standards and maintaining the anti-oppressive and anti-discriminatory approach.

Whilst focusing on the academic aspects to social work, we also want to promote self-care and ensure that we maintain a relaxed outlook to student life – the mental health and wellbeing of students is paramount. Exploring ways to have fun and switch off from studies will also be evident on our page.

If you care to get in touch with us then please do. We welcome feedback and comments from our followers.

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