Student Book Recommendations

Summers here, and if you’re wondering how to spend your time, and perhaps wanting to keep your critical mind ticking over, then we have ten book recommendations for you. (Synopsis are from Goodreads, brief thoughts are from Student Hub member Rosie).  Listen (Non-Fiction) – Kathryn Mannix ‘From the bestselling author of With the End inContinue reading “Student Book Recommendations”

Book recommendations, for resting, or a last minute gift.

You’ve been busy studying, finishing your placements, etc. But now the term in winding down you have some time off, so what do you do with it? The answer could be family and friends (safely of course), walks (always encourage getting outside), Netflix, a mammoth jigsaw, although it could also be some of the greatContinue reading “Book recommendations, for resting, or a last minute gift.”

Opening the curtain on dyslexia in social work

By Florence Smith I am in my second year of practice as a social worker working with children and families. Over the past 5 years of studying and practicing social work I have found it difficult managing my diagnosis of dyslexia and have fiercely worked to overcome the challenges that it has entailed.  Having sat back andContinue reading “Opening the curtain on dyslexia in social work”

Pastoral Support In Social Work Education

David M Clarke (Twitter: @dcSWer) Introduction I joined the academic workforce as a Lecturer in Social Work in September 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, straight from a busy children and families social work setting. I plan to write a more about this transition in another ‘story’. In the meantime, I thought IContinue reading “Pastoral Support In Social Work Education”

Are my placement experiences going to be varied enough?

By Beth Williams  For me, starting my MA in social work was all about the experiences I was going to get from my placements. A brief background about me – upon leaving school I always knew I wanted to go into a profession where I could make a valuable difference to people’s lives however, IContinue reading “Are my placement experiences going to be varied enough?”

“Hi, we have had a placement come up…”

By Gemma Harvey This is what my university placement co-ordinator said to me when they rang, I knew getting a phone call would mean it would be something different.  Within the next few minutes, I was told it was at a Hospice.  My mind raced, thinking of the emotional impact it could have; with that inContinue reading ““Hi, we have had a placement come up…””

Placement on a secure ward during the COVID-19 pandemic

Please note. Before you read my piece of writing I wish to inform you that the choice of words for describing the people who use the services on my placement and the terminology I use, reflects the language that is used on placement by the staff and others. I describe patients/men and ward/units. This does not reflect myContinue reading “Placement on a secure ward during the COVID-19 pandemic”

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